Student Grants Application rules

The FEL2024, scheduled for 19-23 August 2024, is pleased to announce the availability of a Student Conference Grant. Unfortunately due to the limited funds it will not cover full expensive. Reimbursement of expenses is contingent upon the submission of receipts. The grant will support students who request it.

Eligibility Criteria

Applications are invited from qualified full-time PhD and/or undergraduate students. To qualify, a student must be a full-time student registered in a college or university when submitting the application.

Grant preferences will be given to the following students:

  • a student who is going to present a presentation (oral , poster) in the conference
  • a student who is an author, co-author of an accepted paper in the conference;
  • a student who is a first-time attendee FEL conference (and is not an author/co-author).

For all student conference grant applicants, conference registration is required to receive the award.

Application Procedure

An application for a student conference grant will consist of the following documents, and incomplete applications will not be considered.

1. A request letter from the student.

2. The student’s resume.

3. A recommendation letter from the student’s advisor.

4. Student Grants Application form

5. Copy of Receipts

The letter from the student should be at most one page, and include the following information:

  • The date of enrolment at the PhD/Master/Bachelor program and the expected date for graduation;
  • Whether the student is going to present a paper, poster in the conference; If yes, include paper title.
  • Whether the student is a co-author of an accepted paper, poster, in the conference
  • Whether the student is a first-time attendee FEL conference (and is not an author/co-author).
  • A brief summary of research interests and accomplishments to date.
  • A statement about why the conference attendance is important to the student.

The advisor’s recommendation letter for the student should include:

  • Confirmation that student is a full-time student in good academic standing at the given institution.
  • The suitability of the FEL program material to the student’s research area (if the student is not an author or co-author).
  • Ways this particular student would benefit from attendance at the conference (if the student is not an author or co-author).


Application deadline July 20th, 2024

Notification date July 30th, 2024

Applicants should create their application as a single PDF file, and then submit the application to the main