Abstract Submission

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Extended Abstract Submission Deadline: May 20, 2024

Quick reference:

  • Title: proposed title for the abstract.
  • Content: the description, or abstract text. Please describe what you intend to present at this conference. Please refrain from using the markdown formatting or LaTeX. Also refrain from copying and pasting from word processors like Microsoft Word or LibreOffice. Abstract should not exceed 1200 characters and not be shorter than 100 words.
  • Authors: enter the proposed speakers for this contribution by clicking on the Search button and search for the person from the JACoW Central Repository. Be sure that the “Include users with no Indico account” is selected. In case that it is not possible to find a person by searching, please follow the instructions to creating JACoW profiles for new authors, then do the search again and select the newly created profile.
  • Contribution Type: please select contribution type. The Scientific Programme Committee will eventually select contribution type from the set of abstracts proposed here.
  • Comments: any useful notes for this contribution to the Scientific Secretariat.
  • Track: select the Main Classification for this contribution.
  • Footnotes: Please use “*”, “**”, etc., for references to publications as many times as necessary and with a carriage return between each. Footnotes should not exceed 200 characters.
  • Funding Agency: If necessary, enter funding agency and contract. This field should not be used to request sponsorship. Should not exceed 200 characters.

If You have any difficulties with abstracts uploading please contact us by email: abstracts@fel2024.org

This IPAC webpage https://ipac-docs.jacow.org/General/submission/ contains detailed instructions similar to FEL conference abstracts submission page