Poster Presentation

The Poster Sessions will be located in Polin Conference Centre, at the ground level, on Tuesday, 20 August 2024. The poster session will commence at 16.20 and will conclude at 20.30. A light refreshment will be served to the participants throughout the Session

Please be advised that the poster space will be available throughout the whole day. For that reason, we kindly request the authors to mount their posters in the morning, possibly before 8:30 am.

Poster Size
Please prepare your posters in ISO A0 size, portrait only.
A0 dimensions are 841 mm wide x 1189 mm high or 33.1 inches wide by 46.8 inches high.

All contributions to the conference will have a program code whereby the first two letters correspond to the day of presentation, Tuesday (i.e. TU). The third will give the type of presentation, with P indicating a poster presentation. The three letter code will be followed by a unique 3-digit number. The code will be completed with a hash and a three letter code of the oral session to which it is related. Example code: TUP102-WED. Each poster board is numbered with a Poster program code.

Poster Title
The title of the poster must be identical to that in the paper. Name(s) of author(s) and institution should be on the poster and correspond to the paper as well.

Mounting the Posters
Posters should be mounted on Tuesday morning.
Posters must be manned throughout the entire day including session. All necessary material for poster display (pins, etc) will be provided by the conference organizers.

Poster Electronic Version

A web-based platform will be made available to the conference participants in order to facilitate extended access to posters, from Monday to Friday, i.e., prior and after the regular Poster Session.

The posters will be visible on the platform upon uploading their PDF files via Indico. The Authors are requested to follow the Paper Submission instructions relevant for the Poster type contribution. Submission of the poster PDF file neither substitutes, nor affects the submission paper contribution. It is meant as tool to increase visibility and reach of the poster. Keeping that in mind we advocate to include in the poster a visible contact information of the presenter

Authors are reminded that papers, where the corresponding poster is not presented at the conference, will be excluded from the proceedings. Furthermore, the Program Committee reserves the right to refuse for publication work not properly presented in the poster sessions.

In case of any question, please contact FEL2024 local committee.